Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Want to get beach body ready for Spring Break?!?!

As we all know, Spring Break is just right around the corner! Are you ready? Mentally? Physically? 

As a college student myself, I am definitely ready mentally, but you can never be physically ready all year long! Well don't fall into the 2 week dead cry before spring break.  You know, waiting until two weeks before spring break to get into the campus gym that is beyond packed; even more than a Golds Gym on New Years day for the "New Year New Me" bull crap.  Well for those of you who think you know everything about everything to losing weight, let me inform you on the number one KEY to losing weight: DIET.  Losing weight is 70% diet and 30% exercise. 

There are a ton of different diets and routines out there that I'm sure work for SOME, also very FEW people, but not the normal person.  I'm all about being healthy. I'm not a fan of the old school Atkins diet, basically written on the principles of the no carbs diet, weight watchers, Jenny Craig,  etc.  blah blah blah blah blah. WHO CARES?!?

I live in a city of over 1 million people and I've done physique and modeling contests. I've done the diets, I've done the exercises, I've had MANY friends that have done it all.  I can, and will, give you the top 3 ways to get beach body ready for mid-March's madhouse that is known to us college students as "Spring Break." 

FIRST THING'S FIRST; I can only give you the links to the products and workouts that WILL work for you, but it's ultimately up to YOU to actually do them. 
Helpful hint? Find somebody to do it with that will push you to your max! Works every time!

The top 3 things to help you get Beach Body ready for SB14 and my views on such.

             Now, I've had a lot of friends do the P90X challenge. Mainly because it was the first thing out on the market that was of its kind. Is it hard? Yes. Does it work? Yes. Can I do this before Spring Break? No. You could do it and be 2/3 of the way through and still have good results, but doing workouts such as this, you can't cut yourself short. This product also comes with a great diet program, which is why it even made it on my list. 
To purchase P90X and learn more about it...  

       Insanity definitely made it on my list; why would it not?!? It's basically P90X in that 2/3 of the time that you're looking for to get ready for Spring Break!  For those of you who do not know because you don't own a TV or stay up late, Insanity is a 60 day workout made by Sean T, a fitness guru in the physique world. Sean has obliterated the workout room so much that the military now uses it to train their soldiers!  Can you blame them? I can't.  The only negative that I have on this one is for the women...  I have done this with a strict diet and it worked, but I've had other friends who wanted to eat normal and they did gain some muscle; more than they wanted to.  They weren't butch after, they just weren't as toned as they wanted. Like I said earlier, 70% diet people!
To purchase Insanity and learn more about it to compare...

         Visalus? What is that, you ask?  Visalus is a fairly new supplement out there on the market that has done WONDERS for myself and a LOT of my friends! It is a powder like that of which you would purchase at GNC or Vitamin Shoppe, but they don't put this on the shelves because it would make other supplements obsolete. No, it's not illegal whatsoever! It's just really good! You basically just substitute two meals a day and replace it with a shake, or mix it in with your own recipe like I do and make protein pancakes! They are delicious! There are a lot of recipes on their website and some great incentive programs for buying it!  Go buy it and then get 3 friends to buy it and then yours is free, no matter which package they get! Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention, you get PAID when you sell it to others. My friend sold enough products within 20 DAYS and now she drives a FREE BMW that she got to choose. And yes, it is BRAND NEW! 
To purchase Visalus, get beach body ready for SB14, join the Vi community with me, and start making money yourself, click HERE

 "Pain is inevitable; Suffering is optional"

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